Sunday, May 30, 2010

Working conditions . . .

Normally I avoid fast food, saving it for the airport or long car rides. I've always known that fast food was evil (except chick-fil-a obviously, which, for those of you with any love for mythology will know, was carried up to Mt. Olympus by doves as a divine exhalation of the planet and eaten by the gods as ambrosia), but if there was any doubt, please examine this hot sauce packet I received from the taco bell here in Dubai the other day . . .

Photos not the best . . . taken with my mobile. Package reads "Help! I can't tell where I am. It's dark and I can hear laughing." I like to think this employee, lets call him Alphonso, at least has some fond memories of sunlight. Taco Bell hot sauce: Cayanne, chipotle peppers, garlic, olive oil, exasperated yearning, dehydrogenated panic, paprika, and red no.2. I got some more hot sauce to try and decipher the location of the tacobell dungeonarium, but they only said things like 'a taco a day keeps the immigration police away'. Sorry Alphonso,
i've failed you.